Sunday, April 3, 2011

Pitcher,G(2011, March 22 ). Prototyping System Design on FPGA. Retrieved on March 25, 2011. From
In this article, the author tried first to show the importance of software in order to link this importance with a sophisticated integrated circuit called FPGA. He said that FPGA is used in prototyping system design. He focused on a new modern type of FPGA called FPGA Based Prototyping Methodology Manual (FPMM). He said that FPMM will help system designer to prototype any complex system in short time, low cost, and precisely. He mentioned the companies that contributed in manufacturing and developing FPMM. He mentioned why prototyping system design on FPMM is better than prototyping system design by other ways. And he gave details and examples about some systems and circuits to support his main idea.
I think that the author succeeded in showing the important role that software plays nowadays. Also he went deeply in the details of FPMM, so he made the article more suitable for professionals. He was very careful in the examples and the details he mentioned, and this made the article very valuable to people who interested in this field. The author also was successful when he mentioned the benefits of using FPMM. He was very right when he implied that FPMM would be the most effective tool in prototyping system design in the near future. Also I think that the author depended a lot on designers’' sayings, so the article may look like an article written by the designers for marketing their products. In my opinion, I think that the author exaggerated in the depiction of FPMM as the only best way for prototyping system design. In a nutshell, I think that it is a good article to ordinary reader and it is very good for professional.

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